God and the Problem of Evil

God and the Problem of Evil
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  • ISBN-13: 9780631222200
  • ISBN: 0631222200
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Rowe, William L.


God and the Problem of Evil considers the question of whether the amount of seemingly pointless malice and suffering in our world counts against the rationality of belief in God, a being who is understood to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfectly good. Beginning with historically significant essays by Leibniz and Hume, the book then focuses on contemporary discussions of the problem of evil. The volume concludes with three important articles that sketch an explanation of why God might need to permit the terrible evils that abound in our world. The study of these essays and replies will provide students with a thorough understanding of the central issues involved in the problem of evil.Rowe, William L. is the author of 'God and the Problem of Evil' with ISBN 9780631222200 and ISBN 0631222200.

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