Geographic Measurement and Quantitative Analysis

Geographic Measurement and Quantitative Analysis
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  • ISBN-13: 9780675213387
  • ISBN: 067521338X
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Earickson, Robert J., Harlin, John M.


The text does not assume set notation or calculus, and it presents a manageable body of topics and techniques for a one-semester or two-quarter course. With a balance of human and physical examples, coverage of computer programs for solving numerical problems, and a practical focus on the working procedures of geographers, this text is a welcome choice for courses in geographic statistics and introductory quantitative methods. It is designed to instruct students in the methods that geographers applyfrom the inception of a problem to the interpretation of results from statistical procedures. Computer applications in SAS and SPSS-X the most popular statistical program packages in the fieldenable students to quickly and accurately solve problems for all techniques covered in the text; the volume of practice made possible by computer applications builds students' proficiency at solving numerical problems.Earickson, Robert J. is the author of 'Geographic Measurement and Quantitative Analysis' with ISBN 9780675213387 and ISBN 067521338X.

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