Since the publication of the report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Veterinary Public Health in 1975, many significant developments have occurred in this field. The present report of a WHO Study Group re-examines the role and functions of veterinary public health and its contribution to public health practice today and in the years to come. Since 1975, new emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases have acquired global significance for human health, and have required rapid responses from, and team-work between, physicians, veterinarians, and biologists. The veterinary sector has a long and distinguished history in contributing to the maintenance and promotion of public health. As health is multidimensional, health policy and practice should be inter-disciplinary and intersectoral. Therefore, the contributions of other sectors - in particular agriculture, animal health and production, food industry, education, housing, public works and communications - are vital. Such concerted action is particularly needed in developing countries with weak infrastructure and limited resources. This report reviews current and foreseen global changes for their potential implications on veterinary public health with regards to national and international policies, management of programmes and training. The report also provides recommendations for action in these areas.WHO Study Group on Future Trends in Veterinary Public Health Staff is the author of 'Future Trends in Veterinary Public Health: Report of a WHO Study Group (WHO Technical Report)' with ISBN 9789241209076 and ISBN 9241209070.
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