A Beloved Fantasy from One of Japan's Top Creators Prolific shojo ("girls") comics artist Yu Watase has created a wonderfully exciting, funny, and heartfelt tale of a normal junior high school girl who is transported into a fictional version of ancient China. She encounters base villains and dashing heroes, and still manages to worry about her grades and where her next banquet is coming from. Happiness is Just a Summoning Away Now that she seems to have gathered all seven of her Celestial Warriors, Miaka is ready to summon the god Suzaku, who will grant her three wishes. But Miaka's former best friend, Yui, has become her mortal enemy, and Yui's nefarious general Nakago has a secret plan....Watase, Yuu is the author of 'Fushigi Yugi Juego Misterioso', published 2005 under ISBN 9781591160984 and ISBN 1591160987.
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