Don't pay more than you legally have to Every year, millions of people pay more tax than they need to by failing to use all their allowances and failing to understand the tax rules and the self-assessment system properly. If you are one of the millions of people legally required to complete and return a self-assessment tax form, the Financial Times Guide to Personal Tax is designed to help you. It makes an unpleasant and often confusing task as easy as possible and saves you money at the same time. This book will show you how to: - pay only the tax you should be paying (revealing where you may be overpaying and what to do about it)- avoid the self-assessment pitfalls- fill in your tax form correctly and efficiently - so you can return it on time and avoid the late submission penalty Updated to reflect the latest 2006 Budget changes, the advice is completely up to date. And it's written in easily understood jargon-free language, so you'll get the most from the information, with the least effort.Williams, Sara is the author of 'FT Guide to Personal Tax' with ISBN 9780273706564 and ISBN 027370656X.
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