"Written in the spirit of discovery, as Frommer's guides always have been, and it bears the time-tested pedigree." -- Chicago Sun-Times The Makai Inn, Maui. From $75 a double. Frommer's Dollar-A-Day guides show you how to travel in style-- without breaking the bank. You'll find inexpensive accommodations that don't skimp on comfort. Affordable restaurants where locals go for a good meal. And all the best sightseeing and shopping values. Frommer's Dollar-A-Day guidebooks. First-class travel on a budget. Everything You Need for an Unforgettable-- and Affordable-- Trip! Inviting lodgings for less than $100, from budget beachfront resorts to cool upcountry B&Bs. Great dining at unbelievably low prices, from $8 plate lunches to the best all-you-can-eat luaus. A complete guide to Hawaii's fabulous beaches. What to see and do for free (or almost): Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, rainforest walks, hula shows, and more-- plus the best deals on golf, snorkel gear, sunset cruises, and adventure outings. A shopper's guide to affordable island art, aloha shirts, leis, and more. Great trips begin at Frommers.comFoster, Jeanette is the author of 'Frommer's Hawaii from $80 a Day' with ISBN 9780764595899 and ISBN 076459589X.
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