From Understanding To Action Sustainable Urban Development In Medium-sized Cities In Africa And Latin America

From Understanding To Action Sustainable Urban Development In Medium-sized Cities In Africa And Latin America
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  • ISBN-13: 9781402028793
  • ISBN: 1402028792
  • Publisher: Springer


Keiner, Marco, Zegras, Christopher, Schmid, Willy A.


This book provides a framework for the design, implementation, and measurement of sustainable urban development in developing countries. It presents the findings of an AGS-sponsored project. Based on case studies in Johannesburg, Gabarone, and Santiago de Chile, the book identifies challenges and potentials for sustainable urban development and suggests alternative ways that governments, city-regions, communities, and planners can respond to these challenges. The introductory part highlights the problem of global urbanization, focusing on cities of sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. The design part includes a context/needs analysis followed by recommendations of broad frameworks for sustainable urban development. The implementation part looks at the institutional and policy framework and strategies necessary for sustainable urban development, while the measurement part deals with the required mechanisms and tools for evaluating sustainable urban development policy and strategies as well as the review of outcomes/impacts (indicators). This publication is of special interest for university researchers and students, international experts, and organizations for sustainable urban development in developing countries, but also practitioners from planning authorities worldwide.Keiner, Marco is the author of 'From Understanding To Action Sustainable Urban Development In Medium-sized Cities In Africa And Latin America' with ISBN 9781402028793 and ISBN 1402028792.

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