Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming

Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming
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  • ISBN-13: 9781405148610
  • ISBN: 1405148616
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


New, Michael Bernard, Valenti, Wagner Cotroni, Tidwell, James H.


This landmark publication is a compendium of information on every aspect of the farming of freshwater prawns; an industry now with an annual global farm-gate value approaching US$ 2 billion. Freshwater Prawns builds on New and Valenti’s 2000 book, Freshwater Prawn Culture, which has been completely re-written to incorporate all the most recent information available. It is a comprehensive review of the status of research, development and commercial practice, intended to stimulate further advances in knowledge and understanding of this important field. An extremely well-known and internationally-respected team of 44 contributing authors have written cutting edge chapters covering all major aspects of the subject. Coverage includes biology and taxonomy; hatchery and grow-out culture systems; nutrition, feeds and feeding; genetics; size management; commercial developments around the world; post-harvest handling and processing; marketing; economics and business management; and sustainability. Contributions to the book have been collated and edited by Michael New, Wagner Valenti, Jim Tidwell, Lou D’Abramo and Narayanan Kutty, all widely known for their work in this area. The comprehensive information in Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming will give an important commercial edge to anyone involved in the culture and trade of freshwater prawns. Prawn farm personnel, business managers, and researchers in aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, aquaculture and biological sciences will all find much of great use and interest within this book. Libraries in all research establishments and universities where aquaculture, fisheries and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this excellent book on their shelves.New, Michael Bernard is the author of 'Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming', published 2009 under ISBN 9781405148610 and ISBN 1405148616.

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