Fremde Aus Dem Norden Transalpine Zuwanderer Im Spatmittelalterlichen Italien

Fremde Aus Dem Norden Transalpine Zuwanderer Im Spatmittelalterlichen Italien
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  • ISBN-13: 9783484821118
  • ISBN: 3484821116
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Verlag Max Niemeyer


Israel, Uwe


This study demonstrates that mobility was a constitutive factor in late medieval society. At the same time, however, trans-Alpine immigrants found it difficult to maintain contact with their places of origin, which encouraged their acculturation. A micro-study draws on results from a tableau of Italian host towns to discuss in detail immigration phases, migrant groups, and inclusion and exclusion factors with specific reference to the town of Treviso, situated in the catchment area of Venice. The conclusion is that the 'strangers from the north' were no more 'alien' than people moving to the town from other places in Italy itself.Israel, Uwe is the author of 'Fremde Aus Dem Norden Transalpine Zuwanderer Im Spatmittelalterlichen Italien', published 2005 under ISBN 9783484821118 and ISBN 3484821116.

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