Framework for Monetary Stability Papers and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by De Nederlandsche Bank and the Center for Econ

Framework for Monetary Stability Papers and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by De Nederlandsche Bank and the Center for Econ
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  • ISBN-13: 9780792326670
  • ISBN: 0792326679
  • Publisher: Springer London, Limited


De Beaufort Wijnholds, Onno, Eijffinger, Sylvester C., Hoogduin, Lex H.


This book focuses on various important aspects of monetary policy such as the final objective of monetary policy, the position of the central bank, the design and implementation of monetary policy, the relationship between monetary policy and exchange rate regimes, and the consequences of financial reforms in Central and Eastern Europe and in Latin America. A Framework for Monetary Stability begins with introductions by President W. Duisenberg (DNB) and Vice Chairman D. Mullins, Jr. (Federal Reserve Board). Furthermore, twelve contributions discuss and analyse theoretical, empirical and institutional issues of monetary policy and central banking in Europe and America as well as in other countries. Contributors are reputed policymakers such as C. Freedman (Bank of Canada), J. de Beaufort Wijnholds and L. Hoogduin (DNB), O. Issing (Deutsche Bundesbank), A. Crockett (Bank of England), M. Guitián (IMF) and A. Icard (Banque de France). Also, prominent academics like professors S. Fischer (MIT), A. Cukierman (Tel Aviv), B. Friedman (Harvard), M. de Cecco (Rome) and F. Giavazzi (Bocconi), R. Layard (LSE) and R. Dornbusch (MIT) have made contributions. The book ends with a general report by S. Eijffinger (CentER). The collection of papers and proceedings will be of outstanding interest to anyone who is professionally involved with monetary policy and central banking.De Beaufort Wijnholds, Onno is the author of 'Framework for Monetary Stability Papers and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by De Nederlandsche Bank and the Center for Econ' with ISBN 9780792326670 and ISBN 0792326679.

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