"Compatriot of Dorothy Day, inspired of Thomas Merton, founder of Friendship House in Harlem and of Madonna House, popularized of the worldwide Poustinia phenomenon, pioneer of the lay apostolate movement, Catherine allowed herself to be consumed by the fire of Jesus' love. "This autobiography has a special, divinely-touched richness. It reads like an adventure novel. If this were nothing but a work of pure fiction, it would still be extremely intriguing. But because it's all true, it goes beyond intriguing to become enthralling and inspiring" -- Larry Holley, The Pecos Benedictine "This is no dull, date-filled biography, but a deeply personal sharing of the experiences of her life. The book shines with her vision of uncompromising commitment to the Gospel. If you have time to read no other book, read this one." -- Sign Magazine "According to any standard, the author of Fragments is a most remarkable woman. It requires a great act of trust and love to share a personal, intimate life with millions of people. Fragments is, in a sense, one of he profounder acts of love of a life already so obviously loving. -- Spiritual Book NewsDoherty, Catherine is the author of 'Fragments of My Life' with ISBN 9780921440413 and ISBN 0921440413.
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