Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems

Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems
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  • ISBN-13: 9780122896408
  • ISBN: 0122896408
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books


Gonzalez-Velasco, Enrique A.


Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems provides a thorough examination of both the theory and applications of partial differential equations and the Fourier and Laplace methods for their solution. Boundary value problems, including the heat and wave equations, are integrated throughout the book. Written from a historical perspective with extensive biographical coverage of pioneers in the field, the book emphasizes the important role played by partial differential equations in engineering and physics. In addition, the author demonstrates how efforts to deal with these problems have lead to wonderfully significant developments in mathematics. A clear and complete text with more than 500 exercises, Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems is a good introduction and a valuable resource for those in the field.Gonzalez-Velasco, Enrique A. is the author of 'Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems' with ISBN 9780122896408 and ISBN 0122896408.

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