Following the Harvesttells the story of sixteen-year-old Will Haley, who journeys north in the summer of 1943 as a member of a wheat-harvesting crew. Traveling with his father, along with a hump-backed hired hand, a whiny truck driver and his pretty wife, two cousins from Mississippi, and his father's best friend, Will makes his way from Vernon, Oklahoma, to Rhame, North Dakota. Not everyone will make the return trip to Oklahoma, and when an accident claims a crew member's life, Will is forced to take charge and become mature beyond his years. "A well written, fun read that will make you understand why Harris is being included with the likes of Willa Cather and Larry McMurtry. He is truly that good."--Tulsa World Fred Harris, author of Coyote Revenge, Easy Pickin's, and sixteen books of nonfiction, has also had a distinguished career in politics and higher education. Twice elected to the U.S. Senate from Oklahoma, he is now Professor of Political Science at the University of New Mexico.Harris, Fred is the author of 'Following the Harvest ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780806137131 and ISBN 0806137134.
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