1890. The Five Little Peppers are the fictional creations of Harriett Mulford Stone Lothrop, who wrote about the beloved Pepper family under the pseudonym Margaret Sidney. Her writing career began when she sent her short stories to Wide Awake, a children's magazine published by Daniel Lothrop. Eventually two stories-Polly Pepper's Chicken Pie and Phronsie Pepper's New Shoes-caught the special attention of the editor, who wanted more Pepper stories. The author later married the publisher. The Five Little Peppers Midway is the second of twelve books about the cheerful Pepper clan and in this story even their snooty cousin's coming to stay can't ruin the Pepper children's joy in their mother's wedding. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.Sidney, Margaret is the author of 'Five Little Peppers Midway', published 2007 under ISBN 9780548031506 and ISBN 0548031509.
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