In an easy-to-follow, five-week format, utilizing over 150 illustrations, 160 photographs, & 16 charts, the author, Dr. Valerie O'Hara, presents gentle physical exercises, including specific tension releasers for the neck, shoulders & lower back, breathing techniques, imagery strategies for wellness, behavioral & psychological methods of recovery, & perceptual reframing, to help readers develop effective coping skills for managing stress. The author brings to her writing more than 25 years of research, counseling & teaching experience. She has a Ph.D. in psychology, is a California licensed psychotherapist, nationwide fitness & stress management consultant & yoga instructor, & was a nationally recognized figure skater & trainer. The book explores the psychology of health, immunity & illness, combining the tools of yoga with western research. With over 85% of today's illness stress-related, The Fitness Option: Five Weeks to Healing Stress offers a timely solution. This user friendly self-improvement book of 208 pages is available for $13.95 through book stores nationwide, or it can be ordered directly from La Jolla Institute for Stress Management by adding $3.00 for shipping & handling. Contact them at: 14618 Tyler Foote Road, Ste. 206, Nevada City, CA 95959, or call toll free 1-800-869-0581.O'Hara, Valerie is the author of 'Fitness Option: Five Weeks to Healing Stress - Valerie O'Hara - Paperback - 2nd ed' with ISBN 9780962729805 and ISBN 0962729809.
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