Fifty Years of Antimicrobials Past Perspectives and Future Trends Fifty-Third Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at the Unive

Fifty Years of Antimicrobials Past Perspectives and Future Trends  Fifty-Third Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at the Unive
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  • ISBN-13: 9780521481083
  • ISBN: 0521481082
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press


Hunter, P. A., Darby, G. K., Russell, N. J.


A review of the immense progress which has been made during the past half-century in the development of methods for the control of pathogenic microbes. Topics such as why epidemics still occur and the need for new antibiotics highlight the fact that, despite the advances, the fight against infection still continues.Hunter, P. A. is the author of 'Fifty Years of Antimicrobials Past Perspectives and Future Trends Fifty-Third Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at the Unive' with ISBN 9780521481083 and ISBN 0521481082.

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