At first sight, the Griffins appear to be a normal blue-collar family from Quonochontaug, Rhode Island, but Peter (the family's loutish dad), Brian (the erudite, martini-swilling pet dog) and Stewis (the evil toddler son) truly set them apart from all others. Determined to achieve world domination from the moment he escaped his mother's womb (a.k.a. the cursed ovarian Bastille he was incarcerated in for nine grueling months), Stewie has finally deicded that to rule the world one must first understand it. At last, this true baby genius - and the most popular of the Griffin clan - talks openly about the peculiar dysfunction of his family and of the society we live in today. This book features his sometimes insightful, more ofter twisted, musings on family, love, parenting, preschool, work, pop culture, politics, and more. If only readers knew in their toddler years what Stewie knows now, adults everywhere could have defeated their mothers' matriachal tryanny long before the world bCallaghan, Steve is the author of 'Family Guy Stewie's Guide to World Domination', published 2005 under ISBN 9780060773212 and ISBN 0060773219.
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