The infamous inhabitants of folklore were forced into exile when a savage creature known as the Adversary conquered the fabled lands of legends and fairy tales. These magical characters now disguise themselves as normal citizens in modern-day New York and around the world. In this volume, Pinocchio suffers seriously divided loyalties between his father, the evil Adversary, and his fellow Fable refugees in New York. Discover what he does while his father hosts a secret confeence of the imperial elite to decide the ultimate fate of Fabletown. Plus, Bigby Wolf reluctantly decides it's finally time to square accounts with his long-estranged father, the North Wind and makes a journey with Snow White and their kids to find him.Willingham, Bill is the author of 'Fables 9 Sons of Empire', published 2007 under ISBN 9781401213169 and ISBN 1401213162.
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