He squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to block the stubborn, warm tears he felt forming against his eyelashes- the lump in his throat was sore and it hurt now. Whatever had happened or was about to happen had rendered him helpless and afraid. More afraid than he had ever been in his life. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning to find that the family and friends that you trusted your whole life are not yours'they're no more than players in a well-orchestrated act. This is the situation that sixteen-year-old Marcel Darity finds himself in'and his life is about to change forever. The problem isn't that his father doesn't love him'it's that Marcel doesn't know who his father is anymore. Follow Marcel's journey as he is guided by constant dreams back to where he rightfully belongs. Not knowing who he can trust, Marcel depends upon his own intuition and his grandmother's wisdom to lead him. But is she even his real grandmother? He is forced to travel a road littered with deceit, lies, secrets, and shame. But an unlikely trio'a streetwalker, a librarian, and an undesirable neighbor named Nadine'know a closely guarded secret about Marcel and his father'a secret that will open the eyes of his soul.James, K. V. is the author of 'Eyes of Noble's Soul ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780595376865 and ISBN 059537686X.
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