Existentialist Reader An Anthology of Key Texts

Existentialist Reader An Anthology of Key Texts
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  • Comments: This book, with its worn spine, annotated pages, and rich history, is a prime example of how second-hand literature can offer more than just a story. It provides a tangible connection to the past, a glimpse into the lives of previous readers, and a practical resource for current ones. Despite its imperfections, or perhaps because of them, this book stands as a valuable and meaningful addition to any reader's collection. By embracing its condition and the journey it represents, we can appreciate the deeper n


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  • ISBN-13: 9780415936637
  • ISBN: 0415936632
  • Publisher: Routledge


MacDonald, Paul S.


The Existentialist Readeris a comprehensive anthology of classic philosophical writings from eight key existentialist thinkers: Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, de Beauvoir, Jaspers, Marcel, Merleau-Ponty, and Ortega y Gasset. These substantial and carefully selected readings consider the distinctive concerns of existentialism: absurdity, anxiety, alienation, death. A comprehensive introduction by Paul S. MacDonald illuminates the existentialist quest for individual freedom and authentic human experience with insight into the historical and intellectual background of these major figures.The Existentialist Readeris a valuable guide to the provocative theories that shook the philosophical world in the 1930s and continue to profoundly shape the way we think about ourselves.MacDonald, Paul S. is the author of 'Existentialist Reader An Anthology of Key Texts' with ISBN 9780415936637 and ISBN 0415936632.

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