EX CATHEDRA explores the soul, with eleven stories-featuring strong female characters across the ages-ranging from Biblical times through Medieval and modern day, into the distant future. These stories explore what it means to be human...and beyond. In the feminist Biblical tale, "Sarah, Who Speaks to the Lord, "Sarah takes on both her husband and the Lord to protect her son, Isaac. Things are not what they seem when the Dark Men come to town in "Plowshares." "The Age of Maturity" asks whether the power behind a legendary sculptor's art his ability to steal another's soul. People assume ghosts walk because they have unfinished business; but sometimes ghosts are summoned by the living from their festering guilt, as explored in "Things Left Undone." A Cubs fan will go to any length to break the ball club's curse, in "They Still Play the Blues in Chicago." A teacher dreams of freedom for her students, but gets caught after dark in "Lockdown." In "Returned Mail from EALTGELD,? an agoraphobic journalist sacrifices herself to teach the world a lesson in human need. Parents? dreams of destiny can blind them to the true genius in their child in "The Next Ted Williams." A cyrogenics auditor finds it's no easier to ?pull the plug? just because the patients are already dead in ?Liquidation. "PRAVI" explores whether a robot can teach a roboticist the meaning of true love. And in "The Canterbury Path," An alien insectoid, ordained as a Catholic priest, teaches his superiors what it means to be human'and to what extremes one must go to truly follow the word of Christ.Maines, Rebecca is the author of 'Ex Cathedra', published 2006 under ISBN 9780977985609 and ISBN 0977985601.
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