- Two books in one, neatly linked. Part One is a comprehensive guide to argument; Part Two is a thematically arranged anthology of readings. The two parts of the book are linked by cross references in the margins, leading students from the argument chapters to specific examples in the readings and from the readings to appropriate rhetorical instruction. Whether you teach primarily from the rhetoric or the readings, these links help you take full advantage of the entire book.- A winning approach, going beyond pro/con, shows that argument is everywhere -- in news and magazine articles, cartoons, ads, letters, charts, Web sites, song lyrics, radio transcripts, and essays. The readings -- drawing from these varied genres -- focus on fresh and important new topics, from intellectual property (Can you own an idea? Who owns "I Have a Dream?") to Title IX (Do women's athletic programs take an unfair toll on men's programs?) to body image (Who's "the fairest of us all, " and why?).- Covers important new ground, with full chapters on visual, online, and humorous arguments, and on intellectual property. Unique boxed discussions of argument across cultures show students there are many different ways of arguing in the world.Keith Walters is the author of 'Everything's an Argument with Readings: With 2001 APA Update', published 2001 under ISBN 9780312397395 and ISBN 0312397399.
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