Shannon Ethridge is the best-selling author of Every Woman's Battle, as well as a wife, mother, speaker, and lay counselor. She teaches regularly at Teen Mania Ministries and in a variety of other church and college settings, inspiring others to pursue a lifestyle of sexual integrity and intimacy with Christ. Shannon and her husband, Greg, live in east Texas with their two children, Erin and Matthew. Stephen Arterburn is founder and chairman of New Life Clinics, host of the daily New Life Live! national radio program, creator of the Women of Faith Conferences, a nationally known speaker, and the best-selling author of more than two dozen books, including the award-winning Every Young Man's Battle with coauthor Fred Stoeker.Ethridge, Shannon is the author of 'Every Young Woman's Battle Workbook How to Pursue Purity in a Sex-Saturated World', published 2004 under ISBN 9781578568550 and ISBN 1578568552.
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