The ancient story of "Eve & Adam" has never been so delightfully portrayed as by Edwina Sandys in this witty tale full of mischief and magic. Forty original illustrations, drawn with Edwina's incisive line and vibrant color, throw new light on this famous First Couple as they are projected from the Garden of Eden into Modern Times. There is an unusual twist as the author suggests what may be around the corner in the New Millennium."Eve & Adam" initially draws you in by its sweetness and charm, then commands your attention with its bold imagery which deals lightly but pointedly with subjects such as: Original Sin, Carnal Knowledge, Population Explosion, Safe Sex, Money, Nuclear Deterrent, The One God, and Judgement Day.Accompanying the color plates are quotations from sources as varied as The Bible and Oscar Wilde, Edwina has also dipped into her own family's legacy and included some of the wit and wisdom of her celebrated grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill. The juxta-position of these words and images leave you with much food for thought, and a bounteous array of subjects to dine out on.Sandys, Edwina is the author of 'Eve and Adam' with ISBN 9780967700304 and ISBN 0967700302.
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