Evaluation-the process of obtaining, organizing, and weighing information on the consequences of alternatives-lies at the heart of the planning process. This book points out that no single theory or discipline can encompass the entire scope of evaluation, nor is there clearly any superior method of evaluation-each has its advantages and disadvantages. Evaluation and Environmental Planningtakes a broad look at this value-laden and subjective realm, viewing it as a part of the larger democratic process. It addresses such issues as quantification, the treatment of equity and intangibles, the representation of future generations, technocratic planning, citizen participation, analytic as opposed to holistic assessments, and grand index formulations of social welfare, among others. The book describes and criticizes eight leading methodologies, providing many ideas for their improvement. Guidelines for conducting evaluations are suggested in the conclusion, which is followed by an Index. These are drawn from the author's position that planners should approach each evaluation as a separate case, selecting that set of techniques most suited to the particular situation. Drawing on eighteen years of experience in the field, McAllister takes the view that outstanding evaluations will result from exercising sound judgment based on knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the various methodologies, rather than following a uniform set of standardized procedures. Evaluation in Environmental Planningprovides a fresh point of view that will be useful to the practicing professional, public officials, active citizens, and students in such fields as environmental, energy, land-use, urban, and regional planning; civil, environmental, and systems engineering; environmental and health sciences; land and regional economics; landscape architecture; recreation planning; and natural resources management.McAllister, Donald is the author of 'Evaluation in Environmental Planning' with ISBN 9780262630870 and ISBN 0262630877.
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