Ethics in America Source Reader

Ethics in America Source Reader
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  • Condition: Good
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  • Comments: Some wear, but still a good reading copy. A portion of your purchase of this book will be donated to non-profit organizations.Over 1,000,000 satisfied customers since 1997! Choose expedited shipping (if available) for much faster delivery. Delivery confirmation on all US orders.

  • ISBN-13: 9780132901802
  • ISBN: 0132901803
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Newton, Lisa H.


Introduction. ANCIENT GREECE. 1. Thucydides, From The Peloponnesian War. 2. Plato, from The Apology. from The Crito: from The Repulbic. 3. Aristotle, from Nichomachean Ethics; from from Politics. BIBLICAL TRADITION. 4. Selections from: Genesis, Exodux, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Amos, Micah, Mathew, Luke, John, Acts, Corinthians. MORAL LAW. 5. Stoics. 6. Epictetus, from Moral Discourses. 7. Aquinas, from Summa Theologica.. 8. Hobbes, from Leviathan. 9. Locke, from Treatise on Government. 10. Jefferson, Declaration of Independence; An Act of Establishing Religious Freedom. 11. Kant, from Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals. 12. Royce, from Philosophy of Loyalty. 13. Rawls, from Theory of Justice. 14. King, from A Birmingham Jail. UTILITARIANS. 15. Epricurus, from The Extant Remains. 16. Bentham, from An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. 17. Mill, from Utilitarianism: On Liberty.Newton, Lisa H. is the author of 'Ethics in America Source Reader' with ISBN 9780132901802 and ISBN 0132901803.

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