Essential Papers on Object Loss

Essential Papers on Object Loss
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  • ISBN-13: 9780814726211
  • ISBN: 0814726216
  • Publisher: New York University Press


Frankiel, Rita V.


This choice collection contains some of the most significant contributions to psychoanalytic and psychological understandingof the effect of object loss on adults and children. Designed for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and students of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, this important volume focuses on those contributions most directly relevant to the clinical situation, without neglecting fundamental descriptive and theoretical contributions. Rita V. Frankiel has culled the literature on object loss and assembled the most salient and conceptually powerful contributions to the field. Each paper is introduced with a brief summary of its contribution to the development of our understanding of object loss. This valuable resource thus provides the serious student of object loss with a ready source of the most important materials on the subject. Contributors:Karl Abraham, Sol Altschul, John Bowlby, Helene Deutsch, J. Marvin Eisenstadt, George Engel, Joan Fleming, Sigmund Freud, Erna Furman, Robert Furman, Edith Jacobson, Melanie Klein, Paul Lerner, Erich Lindemann, Hans W. Loewald, Marie E. McAnn, George Pollock, Hanna Segal, Chistina Sekaer, Vamik D. Volkan, and Martha Wolfenstein.Frankiel, Rita V. is the author of 'Essential Papers on Object Loss' with ISBN 9780814726211 and ISBN 0814726216.

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