I. BASIC SENTENCE PATTERNS: LESSONS, PRACTICE SHEETS, AND EXERCISES. 1. The Simple Sentence; Subjects and Verbs. Practice Sheet 1: Subjects and Verbs. Exercise 1: Subjects and Verbs. 2. Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions. Practice Sheet 2: Parts of Speech. Exercise 2: Parts of Speech. Exercise 2A: Subjects and Verbs. 3. Basic Sentence Patterns with Intransitive Verbs. Practice Sheet 3: Sentence Pattern 2. Exercise 3: Sentence Patterns with Intransitive Verbs. 4. Basic Sentence Patterns with Transitive Verbs. Practice Sheet 4: Complements of Transitive Verbs. Exercise 4: Complements. 5. Forms of the Verb; Auxiliary Verbs. Practice Sheet 5: Auxiliary Verbs; Basic Sentence Patterns. Exercise 5: Complements. 6. Alterations of Basic Sentence Patterns. Practice Sheet 6: Alterations of Basic Sentence Patterns: Passive Verbs; Questions. Exercise 6: Alternations of Basic Sentence Patterns: Passive Verbs; Questions. II. CLAUSES AND PHRASES: LESSONS, PRACTICE SHEETS, AND EXERCISES. 7. Coordination: Compound Sentences. Practice Sheet 7: Coordination: Compound Sentences. Exercise 7: Coordination: Compound Sentences. 8. Subordination: Adverb Clauses. Practice Sheet 8: Adverb Clauses. Exercise 8: Adverb Clauses. 9. Subordination: Adjective Clauses. Practice Sheet 9: Adjective Clauses. Exercise 9: Adjective Clauses. 10. Subordination: Noun Clauses. Practice Sheet 10: Noun Clauses. Exercise 10: Noun Clauses. Exercise 10A: Subordinate Clauses. 11. Subordination: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases. Practice Sheet 11: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases. Exercise 11: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases. 12. Subordination: Participial and Absolute Phrases. Practice Sheet 12: Participial and Absolute Phrases. Exercise 12: Participial and Absolute Phrases. Exercise 12A: Verbal Phrases; Complements in Phrases. III. SENTENCE BUILDING: LESSONS, PRACTICE SHEETS, AND EXERCISES. 13. Completeness. Practice Sheet 13: Completeness. Exercise 13: Completeness. Exercise 13A: Completeness. 14. Misplaced Modifiers; Dangling Modifiers. Practice Sheet 14: Misplaced Modifiers. Exercise 14: Misplaced Modifiers. Practice Sheet 14A: Dangling Modifiers. Exercise 14A: Dangling Modifiers. 15. Subordination. Practice Sheet 15: Subordination. Exercise 15: Subordination. 16. Parallel Structure; Comparisons. Practice Sheet 16: Parallel Structure; Comparisons. Exercise 16: Parallel Structure; Comparisons. IV. PUNCTUATION: LESSONS, PRACTICE SHEETS, AND EXERCISES. 17. Commas to Separate. Practice Sheet 17: Commas to Separate. Exercise 17: Commas to Separate. Exercise 17A: Commas and Semicolons to Separate. 18. Commas to Enclose. Practice Sheet 18: Commas to Enclose. Exercise 18: Commas to Enclose. Exercise 18A: Commas and Semicolons: All Uses. 19. Tricky Punctuation Marks. Practice Sheet 19: Tricky Punctuation Marks. Exercise 19: Tricky Punctuation Marks. 20. End Marks: Summary of Punctuation Rules. Practice Sheet 20: Review of Punctuation. Exercise 20: End Marks: Review of Punctuation. Exercise 20A: Review of Punctuation. V. USAGE: LESSONS, PRACTICE SHEETS, AND EXERCISES. 21. Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts; Tense. Practice Sheet 21: Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts; Tense. Exercise 21: Using Verbs Correctly: Principal Parts; Tense. 22. Using Verbs Correctly: Subject-Verb Agreement. Practice Sheet 22: Using Verbs Correctly: Subject-Verb Agreement. Exercise 22: Using Verbs Correctly: Subject-Verb Agreement. 23. Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference; Agreement. Practice Sheet 23: Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference; Agreement. Exercise 23: Using Pronouns Correctly: Reference; Agreement. 24. Using Pronouns Correctly: Case. Practice Sheet 24: Using Pronouns Correctly: Case.