Engineering Materials 2 An Introduction To Microstructures, Processing And Design

Engineering Materials 2 An Introduction To Microstructures, Processing And Design
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  • Comments: 3. Engineering Materials 2 is a best-selling stand-alone text in its own right for more advanced students of materials science and mechanical engineering, and is the follow-up to its renowned companion text, Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications & Design . This book develops a detailed understanding of the fundamental properties of engineering materials, how they are controlled by processing, formed, joined and finished, and how all of these factors influence the selection


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  • ISBN-13: 9780750663816
  • ISBN: 0750663812
  • Edition: 3
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann


Jones, David R. H., Ashby, Michael F.


Engineering Materials 2 is one of the leading self-contained course texts for more advanced students of materials science and mechanical engineering, and is the companion to the renowned introductory text Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications & Design. This book provides a detailed understanding of the fundamental properties of engineering materials: how they are controlled by processing, then formed, joined and finished, and how all of these factors influence the selection and design of materials in real-world engineering applications. New material and features in the updated third edition include a new chapter on materials failures, expanded design coverage, additional exercises and examples with more real design situations, and an online Instructor's Solutions Manual, plus materials science tutorials. Best-selling materials properties textbook with a world-renowned author team New student-friendly format, with enhanced pedagogy including more case studies, worked examples and student questions Complete instructor's solutions manual and online tutorial material for adopting lecturersJones, David R. H. is the author of 'Engineering Materials 2 An Introduction To Microstructures, Processing And Design', published 2005 under ISBN 9780750663816 and ISBN 0750663812.

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