Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy

Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy
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  • ISBN-13: 9780787995195
  • ISBN: 0787995193
  • Edition: Revised
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass


William H. Bergquist, Kenneth Pawlak


"In this book, Bergquist and Pawlak expand the analysis of the interaction of academic cultures on campus and introduce the kinds of creative strategies required to address the complex challenges confronting twenty-first century institutions in a global, technologically sophisticated context. Those committed to improving institutional quality will find this book intellectually substantive and directly applicable to their own campuses." -R. Eugene Rice, senior scholar, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.Navigating the Complex Organizational Cultures of the Academy"William Bergquist's The Four Cultures of the Academy has long been an indispensable guide through my career in academic administration. I was delighted to see that Bergquist and his collaborator Kenneth Pawlak not only updated this book and expanded it to include the virtual and the tangible cultures, but they also explained how the cultures are integrated on a campus. . . . It is a rare gift and a must-read." -Joseph L. Subbiondo, president, California Institute of Integral Studies"In this new book Bergquist and Pawlak . . . . provide critically important insight for understanding the six different cultures now found in postsecondary education and the subtle leadership practice adjustments that need to be made to engage all six cultures. This one is definitely on my 'required-read' list!" -Dr. Jan Lindsay, vice president, education, Douglas College"This book offers a compelling strategy for handling the challenges of living and working in academic institutions-an appreciative perspective that builds on the strengths and values of the six cultures within the academy. This should be required reading for anyone in contemporary higher education." -Jessica Muller, anthropologist and medical educator, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California San Francisco"Educational institutions are complex organizations and have become more complex in recent years. In particular, community colleges, with their diverse student and faculty populations incorporate many equally diverse cultures. Scholarly efforts to analyze and critique these diverse cultures have contributed to the understanding of organizational behavior. Hence, the book is a welcome tool to deeper understanding the complexity of organizations in the field of higher education." -John Dennison, professor of higher education, University of British ColumbiaWilliam H. Bergquist is the author of 'Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy', published 2007 under ISBN 9780787995195 and ISBN 0787995193.

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