In Bordertown, on the boundary between the real world and Faerie, Ron searches for his brother, Tony, and finds gangs of runaway elves, humans, and "halfies" living violent lives in abandoned buildings. This book is set in the Bordertown/Borderlands world of Terri Winding's adult anthology, Borderland (NAL, 1986, Tor, 1992). In the sequel, Nevernever (1993), set several months later, Wolfboy, formerly called Ron, is unable to protect young Florida, the missing heir of Faerie, who is kidnapped by the River Rats. Finder by Emma Bull (Tor, 1994), is also set in Bordertown. Recommended.Shetterly, Will is the author of 'Elsewhere' with ISBN 9780812520033 and ISBN 0812520033.
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