"A heroine so spirited that she wins readers' hearts". -- Starred Review/ALA Booklist"Plenty of Humorous twists and a spunky, intelligent female lead". -- Pointer Review/Kirkus ReviewSince her birth, Ella of Frell has been the unfortunate recipient of an addled fairy's gift -- the "gift" of obedience. She must obey any order given to her -- whether it's hopping on one foot for a day and a half, or chopping off her own head! But spunky Ella does not tamely accept her fate: "Instead of making me docile, Lucinda's curse made a rebel of me. Or perhaps I was that way naturally". Battling hungry ogres, wicked stepsisters, and foolish fairies along the way, fifteen-year-old Ella embarks on a quest to break the curse once and for all.Levine, Gail Carson is the author of 'Ella Enchanted' with ISBN 9780613076913 and ISBN 0613076915.
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