Elana's Ears, or How I Became the Best Big Sister in the World

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  • ISBN-13: 9781557987020
  • ISBN: 1557987025
  • Publisher: American Psychological Association


Lowell, Gloria Roth, Brooks, Karen Stormer


When a new baby joins the family, Lacey the dog goes through many of the concerns and fears that many young children experience when the arrival of a new sibling changes their world. Eventually Lacey starts to like having baby Elana around. But when Lacey realizes that Elana can't hear, she vows to become "Elana's ears" and the "best big sister in the world." With wry commentary, Lacey offers children a refreshingly honest and funny glimpse of parents, new babies, and growing toddlers. A "Note to Parents, " written by clinical psychologist and children/ family specialist Dr. Jane Annunziata, tells parents what to expect from their older children when a new baby arrives and how to help big brothers and sisters feel loved as they welcome their new sibling.Lowell, Gloria Roth is the author of 'Elana's Ears, or How I Became the Best Big Sister in the World' with ISBN 9781557987020 and ISBN 1557987025.

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