"Fascinating... reads almost as a novel... presents a vivid picture of this legendary but flawed hero." -- History Today on Drake "Coote brings to life the Restoration and the sly lascivious king who personified it...Coote strikes gold." -- Kirkus Review (starred) on Royal Survivor: The Life of Charles II" As Royal Survivor, Coote's entertaining gallop through [Charles II's] life, reminds us, Charles's talents would shine even today...." --Washington Post Book world on Royal Survivor, Life of Charles II "[Coote] understands that popular biography is supposed to tell a story" --Sunday Times (UK) on W.B. Yeats: A Life "Coote brings off Pepys's turbulent life colorfully and with sympathy. ... No academic read, Samuel Pepys will appeal to a broad, and broad-minded, audience." --Publishers Weekly on Samuel Pepys: A Life "This is a splendid and stirring story, vividly written." --Contemporary Review on A Play of Passion: The Life of Sir Walter RaleighCoote, Stephen is the author of 'Drake The Life And Legend Of An Elizabethan Hero', published 2005 under ISBN 9780312341657 and ISBN 0312341652.
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