Born in Shizuoka, Japan, Ken-ichi Sakura made his manga debut with Fabre Tanteiki, which was published in a special edition of Monthly Shonen Jump in 2000. Serialization of Dragon Drive began in the March 2001 issue of Monthly Shonen Jump, and the hugely successful series has inspired video games and an animated TV show. Sakura's latest title, Kotokuri, started running in Monthly Shonen Jump in March 2006. Dragon Drive and Kotokuri have both become tremendously popular in Japan because of Sakura's unique sense of humor and his dynamic portrayal of feisty teen characters. In his spare time, Sakura enjoys playing games.Sakura, Ken-Ichi is the author of 'Dragon Drive 4 ', published 2007 under ISBN 9781421511900 and ISBN 1421511908.
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