Robby, a senior in high school, begins to attend a prestigious private school for boys called Lafayette. At the school he makes friends quickly. Among these friends he favors a fellow student named Michael whom is also a senior.As soon as Robby arrives at Lafayette, Michael tells him about the many social groups within the school, and how important they are within the academic establishment. Michael mentions to Robby that he himself is a member of a group called, The Donner Society. Robby, with Michael's assistance, joins the group.During his time at Lafayette, Robby learns more than just what he studies academically. He comes to learn about friendship and trust, but above all of his lessons, Robby learns that things are not always as they seem.Singleton, Kenneth is the author of 'Donner Society ', published 2005 under ISBN 9780595354245 and ISBN 0595354246.
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