Dominant-Minority Relations in Americalooks at inter-group relations from both conflict and assimilationist perspectives and encourages students to see that they are part of the process of dominant-minority interaction. New to this edition: A chapter on Arab-Americans has been added. Chapter 3, "Race and Ethnicity in Other Societies," now contains an additional cross-cultural example on the colonial heritage of racism in Rwanda as well as updates to the material on Northern Ireland, South Africa, and other places covered in the first edition. Chapter 4, "Initial Contact, Immigration, and Size of Groups Today" now examines when, why, and how different groups have immigrated, and presents information on past, present, and projected sizes and percentages of minority groups. The material on the basics of sociology is now in the appendix rather than in the introductory chapter. The family background project, which was integrated throughout the first edition, is now in a separate workbook entitledLinking Personal Ethnic History with the Convergence in the New World.John P. Myers is the author of 'Dominant-Minority Relations in America: Convergence in the New World (2nd Edition)', published 2006 under ISBN 9780205482412 and ISBN 0205482414.
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