Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Self

Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Self
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  • ISBN-13: 9781878822314
  • ISBN: 1878822314
  • Publisher: University of Rochester Press


Cicchetti, Dante, Toth, Sheree L.


Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Selfcontinues the tradition of the Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology series highlighting how knowledge of normal self-development can be applied to the study of atypical and psychopathological populations and, conversely, how examinations of abnormality can enhance understanding of the normal development of the self. The authors in this volume illustrate advances that have been made in understanding the developmental mechanisms that contribute to anomalies and perturbations in the self systems of high risk and disordered populations.PETER MUNDY, ANNE HOGAN, CLAIRE B. KOPP, NATALIE WYER,SIMON BARON-COHEN, MARY M. ROBERTSON, JOHN MORIARTY, PATRICIA M. CRITTENDEN, KURT W. FISCHER, CATHERINE AYOUB, DREW WESTON, FRANK W. PUTNAM, ROGER KOBAK, HOLLAND COLE, GIL G. NOAM, GAYLE VALIANT, SUSAN HARTER, DONNA B. MAROLD, MICHAEL CHANDLERCicchetti, Dante is the author of 'Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Self' with ISBN 9781878822314 and ISBN 1878822314.

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