Digital electronics is the foundation of computers and microprocessor-based systems found in automobiles, industrial control systems, and home entertainment systems. Technological advances made in the past 25 years have provided us with integrated circuits and CPLDs (Complex Programmable Logic Devices) that can perform complex tasks with a minimum amount oh abstract theory and complicated circuitry, bringing us to an exciting place in this important field. An understanding of digital electronics not only provides the prerequisite background (or further studies in microprocessors and microcomputer interfacing, it also (asters the job skills that are needed to open doors to a myriad of technical careers involving computers and microprocessors. This best-selling text, Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach, Sixth Edition, covers the fundamentals of digital electronics and is intended for students of technology, computer science, and engineering programs. As its name implies, the book approaches digital electronics from a practical perspective, enabling students who are taking a one- or two-semester course to learn the actual skills required to design and troubleshoot digital circuitry that they will see on the job. Stressing the importance of analytical reasoning skills and basic digital design using industry-standard integrated circuits and CPLDs, the book is written in a style that is both engaging and easy to read and understand, heavily supported by a multitude of review questions, problem sets, examples, illustrations, and troubleshooting applications. In addition, an extensive package of ancillary material is available to aid in the teaching ,and learning process, including: Two CD-ROMs packaged with each copy of this text, containing: Electronics Workbench ? /MultiSIM ? Circuit. data files Solutions to in-text CPLD examples using Xilinx and Altera ,SM Texas Instruments Data Sheets Instructor's Resource Manual (ISBN 0-13-092293-5) containing: Solutions and answers to in-text problems Solutions to Standard Logic Laboratory Manual Test Item File PowerPaint ? transparencies (ISBN 0-13-092294-3) Three Laboratory Manuals (Standard Logic) (ISBN 0-13-092291-9) A Troubleshooting Approach, by Michael Wiesner and Vance Venable (Altera ,SM CPLDs) (ISBN 0-13-084256-7) Digital Logic Simulation and CPLD Programming, by Steve Waterman (Xilinx CPLDs) (ISBN 0-l3-088192-9) Digital Laboratory Experiments, by James Stewart and Chao-Ying Wang PH Test Manager (ISBN 0-13-093417-8) Instructor's Supplement CD (ISBN 0-13-092541-1) CourseCompass (ISBN 0-13-094415-7) WebCT (ISBN 0-13-062319-9) Blackboard (ISBN 0-13-062318-0) Companion Website: http://www.prenhall.com/kleitzKleitz, William is the author of 'Digital Electronics A Practical Approach' with ISBN 9780130896292 and ISBN 0130896292.
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