Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) was one of the most original and idiosyncratic philosophers before Kant and Hegel. Although Giorgio Vasari had already diagnosed a cycle of rise, blossoming and decline in the history of art, Vico was the first to base this on a philosophical system. Isolated in Naples from direct contact with the philosophical life of his times, he worked at his grand design of the cycles of rise, blossoming, decline and eternal return which he saw in all areas of culture. His points of reference were ancient mythology and Greek and Roman history. To that extent, he is regarded today as the founder of the philosophy of history and the precursor of a tradition which extends to Hegel and Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West".Vico, Giambattista is the author of 'Die Neue Wissenschaft Uber Die Gemeinschaftliche Natur Der Volker Nach Der Ausgabe Von 1744 Ubersetzt Und Eingeleitet Von Erich Auerbach, Nachwort Von Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann' with ISBN 9783110168907 and ISBN 3110168901.
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