Dictionary of Quotations in Geography

Dictionary of Quotations in Geography
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  • ISBN-13: 9780313241963
  • ISBN: 0313241961
  • Edition: 1st Edition.
  • Publication Date: 1986
  • Publisher: Greenwood


Francis Sibley, James O. Wheeler


In this informative volume, James O. Wheeler and Francis M. Sibley have compiled quotations from the most prominent American geographers of this century. Their purpose in doing so is to review, identify, and characterize some of the more salient features and themes of the discipline as it has evolved over the years. The volume is divided into five major sections, four of which are based on Pattison's four traditions in American geography: earth science, man-land, area studies, and spatial. In the fifth section, Wheeler and Sibley focus on geographic education, citing quotations pertaining to techniques, application, and thought.Francis Sibley is the author of 'Dictionary of Quotations in Geography', published 1986 under ISBN 9780313241963 and ISBN 0313241961.

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