This important work provides clear & concise definitions of the words, medical terms, phrases, & names that arise most frequently in discussions of AIDS & HIV -- consequently, it defines the very words, phrases, & names that people need to know about. Over 1100 entries include abbreviations & acronyms such as CBO (community-based organization), & CMV (cytomegalovirus); historical terms such as gay-related immune deficiency (GRID), & human T cell leukemic-lymphoma virus-III (HTLV-III); key names such as Gallo, Montagnier, & Sonnabend; medical terminology such as cryptosporidiosis, & toxoplasmosis; & AIDS-specific sources of information such as the AIDS Knowledge Base, AIDSLINE, & the National AIDS Information Clearinghouse. Abbreviations, acronyms, & vernacular are cross-referenced to the main entries.Huber, Jeffrey T. is the author of 'Dictionary of AIDS Related Terminology' with ISBN 9781555701178 and ISBN 1555701175.
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