Diario De Amor/ Diary of Love

Diario De Amor/ Diary of Love
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  • ISBN-13: 9788493343927
  • ISBN: 8493343927
  • Publisher: Linkgua Ediciones, S.L.


Gómez De Avellaneda, Gertrudis


Aqu se narran las vivencias amorosas de la estancia de Avellaneda en Espaa. Se trata de la exposicin de una vida a la manera del romanticismo, en la pasin sentimental, en la emotividad reflejada en una mtrica flexible, etc. El Diario de amor es un testimonio del ideario sentimental de su tiempo. Este libro contiene una autobiografa y una serie de cartas, puede ser ledo como una narracin amorosa, como un estudio de la seduccin y sus estrategias o incluso como vindicacin de la condicin femenina. Cabe citar algunos fragmentos en que los tpicos de la pasin romntica son puestos en duda: Yo quiero tu corazn, tu corazn sin compromisos de ninguna especie. Soy libre y lo eres t; libres debemos ser ambos siempre, y el hombre que adquiere un derecho para humillar a una mujer, el hombre que abusa de su poder, arranca a la mujer esa preciosa libertad; porque no es ya libre quien reconoce un dueo. Si el mundo fuese ms puro, ms santo, si volvisemos a la edad de inocencia en que este mundo viejo y corrompido era an joven y puro, entonces yo no s cules seran mis opiniones; pero hoy da que el hombre que es amado con idolatra, con veneracin, puede hacerse culpable de egosmo y crueldad cuando se reviste con el derecho de superioridad. Y qu mayor superioridad que la de ser rbitro del destino de otro? Creo que me comprenders!: yo no estara tranquila si no te dijese que no me has comprendido, y que yo sera despreciable a mis propios ojos si la pureza de mi corazn no justificase la demasiada franqueza que contigo me permito. Dios mo!, y has credo... basta. Mi sueo ahora! Atencin. This book tells of the amorous affairs of Avellaneda's stay in Spain. It is the exposition of a "life lived romantically," a life ofemotional passion, in the sentiment reflected through a flexible meter. 'El Diario de amor' is testimony of the sentimental thinking of its time. The book contains an autobiography, as well as a series of letters, and could be read like a romantic narrative, with a study in the art of seduction and the related strategies, or even as a vindication of the feminine condition. It's worth citing certain fragments in which the themes of romantic passion are called into doubt: "I want your heart, your heart without obligations of any kind. I am free and so are you; we should both remain free forever, and the man who acquires some right to degrade a woman, the man who abuses his power, tears from the woman that precious freedom; because she is no longer free once she allows herself to have a master. If the world were more pure, more holy, if we were to return to the age of innocence in which this old and corrupt world was still young and untainted, I don't know what my opinions would be; but today, a man who is loved as an idol, venerated, can fall into egotism and cruelty by claiming the rights of superiority. And what greater superiority is there than that of being the arbiter of another's destiny? I think you'll understand! I would not be at ease if I didn't tell you that you understand me, and that I would be detestable to my own eyes if the purity of my heart could not justify the excessive frankness which I permit myself. My God! You must have thought: Enough! My dream now! Attention.Gómez De Avellaneda, Gertrudis is the author of 'Diario De Amor/ Diary of Love ' with ISBN 9788493343927 and ISBN 8493343927.

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