DB2 Universal Data Base V8.1 Certification Exam 700

DB2 Universal Data Base V8.1 Certification Exam 700
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  • ISBN-13: 9780131424654
  • ISBN: 0131424653
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Sanders, Roger E.


IBM DB2 Universal Database Certification gives you a powerfuladvantage in the marketplace for expertise on the world's #1enterprise database platform. Passing IBM DB2 UDB V8.1 FamilyFundamentals Exam 700 earns you the IBM Certified Database Associatecertification and is the prerequisite for all intermediate and follow-oncertifications. <>In this book, Roger E. Sanders-one ofthe world's leading DB2 UDB experts, and an active participant inIBM's DB2 UDB exam development process-covers everything youneed to know to pass DB2 UDB V8.1 Exam 700. Sanders covers every examobjective, beginning with a review of the DB2 family of tools andproducts, as well as fundamental database concepts such as SQL and dataconsistency.<>This comprehensive study guide walks youstep-by-step through deployment planning; database security; SQL; DB2database object creation and management; database concurrency; and muchmore. Every chapter contains an extensive set of practice questionsclosely modeled on the actual exam, along with carefully explainedanswers. Coverage includes:<>- Creating and deploying DB2 UDB databases<>- Databaseobjects and IBM's tools for creating, accessing, and manipulatingthem<>- Protecting data: controlling access with authentication,authorities, and privileges<>- Options and alternatives foraccessing DB2 data<>- Using SQL to work with data objects such astables, views, and indexes<>- Concurrency: maintaining dataintegrity and consistency in single- and multi-userenvironments<>Whatever DB2 certification you're planning to pursue, DB2 Exam700 is the foundation-and DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification Exam 700Study Guide is the solution.<>- The definitive DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals exam (Exam 700)preparation guide- straight from IBM<>- Planning, security, data access, data objects, concurrency,management tools, SQL, and more<>- Extensive sample questions based on the actual exam's formatand approach<>- Authoritative coverage of the DB2 exam and certificationprocess<>- By Roger Sanders, best-selling DB2 UDB author andactive participant in IBM's exam development processSanders, Roger E. is the author of 'DB2 Universal Data Base V8.1 Certification Exam 700' with ISBN 9780131424654 and ISBN 0131424653.

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