Dave, I'm getting nervous! Is that the best way you can find to enjoy yourself? demanded the taller boy. But I am, Dave - dreadfully nervous! insisted Dan Dalzell positively. Well, you'll have to conceal it, then. The doctors at the United States Naval Academy won't pass any nervous wrecks, laughed Dave Darrin. Don't you understand? demanded Dan, in a hurt voice. The nearer we get to Annapolis the more nervous I'm getting. You'd better drop off, then, hinted Dave ironically, and take the next car back to Odenton and Baltimore. What earthly good would a Naval officer be who was going to get nervous as soon as he came in sight of an enemy?Hancock, H. Irving is the author of 'Dave Darrin's First Year At Annapolis' with ISBN 9781421817392 and ISBN 142181739X.
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