In Dance of the Stones, Chantel, Adam, Holly and Owen are eager to begin the next stage of their adventure. "The Stones have stirred," Ava, Hawkwoman and Wise One, tells Owen, "The time is near for the Circle Dance." The stones are the ancient stone circle of Avebury in England. But the Dark Being approaches, and her servant, a wraith, blocks the children's progress. When Ava is hurt, the children are thrown back on their own resources. They must discover the ritual that will release the circlet. Each child has a part to play in finding the circlet and holding back the Dark Being.Andrea Spalding's modern day characters jump off the page; Dance of the Stones, rich with legend, provides all that fantasy-lovers hunger for and lures also those who simply like a good tale, well told. Andrea traveled to Avebury to research her story, ensuring that all the historical and geographical details are correct.Award-winning author Andrea Spalding has written many popular books for children, including Solomon's Tree illustrated by Janet Wilson and created in collaboration with Tsimpshian master carver, Victor Reece, Phoebe and the Gypsy and Keeper and the Crows. The White Horse Talisman (prequel to Dance of the Stones ) has been nominated for the 2003 Silver Birch, Hackmatack, and Manitoba Readers' Choice Awards. An accomplished storyteller, Andrea hails from England, where she was long steeped in ancient lore.Dance of the Stones is the second of four books in The Summer of Magic Quartet. Book one is The White Horse Talisman. Book three is Heart of the Hill. Book four is Behind the Sorcerer's Cloak.Spalding, Andrea is the author of 'Dance of the Stones' with ISBN 9781551432687 and ISBN 1551432684.
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