Prized for his mass of small crisp curls covering his black- or liver-colored body, as his name aptly describes, the Curly-Coated Retriever can outswim, outrun and outclass any of the Sporting breeds. Not only is the Curly the oldest gundog of the United Kingdom, he is also the most unique. Only devoted fans of the Curly know the secrets of this smart, active retriever: his confidence, independence, sense of humor and fun and his uncompromising work ethic. As a family companion and best friend, the Curly-Coated Retriever rivals his more popular retriever brethren in personality and loyalty.Bauer, Nona Kilgore is the author of 'Curly-Coated Retriever', published 2006 under ISBN 9781593783181 and ISBN 1593783183.
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