Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology
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  • ISBN-13: 9780205337408
  • ISBN: 0205337406
  • Edition: 2
  • Publisher: Allyn & Bacon, Incorporated


Miller, Barbara D.


I. INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY. 1. Anthropology and the Study of Culture. The Fields of General Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology's Distinctive Features. The Concept of Culture. Multiple Cultural Worlds. Anthropology: A Dynamic Discipline For a Changing World. 2. Methods in Cultural Anthropology. The History of Fieldwork in Cultural Anthropology. Beginning The Fieldwork Process. Working in the Field. Fieldwork Techniques. Recording Culture. Data Analysis. Ethics and Responsibility in Cultural Anthropology. Danger in the Field. New Directions: Toward Participatory Fieldwork. II. ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC FOUNDATIONS. 3. Economies and Their Modes of Production. Cultural Anthropology and Economic Systems. Foraging. Horticulture. Pastoralism. Agriculture. Industrial and Post-Industrial Economies. 4. Consumption and Exchange. Culture and Consumption. Consumption Inequalities. Consumption Microcultures. Culture and Household Budgeting. Forbidden Consumption: Food Taboos. Culture and Exchange. Theories of Exchange. Changing Patterns of Consumption and Exchange. 5. Birth and Death. Culture and Reproduction. Sexual Intercourse and Fertility. Culture and Death. 6. Personality and Human Development. Culture and Personality. Personality Information During Infancy. Socialization During Childhood. Adolescence and Identity. How Does Personality Change in Adulthood? 7. Illness and Healing. Nature, Culture, and the Distribution of Illness. Ethnomedicine. The Ideationist Approach. Critical Medical Anthropology. Clinical Medical Anthropology. Globalization and Change. III. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION. 8. Kinship Dynamics. The Study of Kinship. Descent. Sharing. Marriage. 9. Domestic Groups. The Household: Variations on a Theme. Households as Economic Units. Households as Social Units: Intrahousehold Dynamics. Household Transformations. Social Change and Household Life. 10. Social Groups and Social Stratification. Social Groups. Social Stratification. Civil Society: Between Groups and Government. 11. Politics and Leadership. Politics and Culture. Political Organization and Leadership. Change in Political Systems. 12. Social Order and Social Conflict. Culture, Order, and Conflict. Systems of Social Control. Social Conflict and Violence. Maintaining World Order. IV. SYMBOLIC SYSTEMS. 13. Communication. Introducing Linguistic Anthropology. Human Verbal Language. Language, Thought, and Society. Human Paralanguage. Mass Media. Language and Social Change. 14. Religion. What is Religion? Varieties of Religious Beliefs. Beliefs in Action: Ritual Practices. Religious Specialists. World Religions. African Religions. Directions of Change. 15. Expressive Culture. Art and Culture. Play, Leisure, and Culture. Change in Expressive Culture. V. CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL CHANGE. 16. Development Anthropology. Anthropology and the Study of Change. Approaches to Development. Issues and Development.Miller, Barbara D. is the author of 'Cultural Anthropology' with ISBN 9780205337408 and ISBN 0205337406.

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