Cruising Under Sail

Cruising Under Sail
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  • ISBN-13: 9780071559638
  • ISBN: 0071559639
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing


Hiscock, Eric C.


Part I. The Yacht and Her Gear 1. Hull Form Definitions; Tonnage and displacement; The lines; Stability; Multi-hulls; Bows, sterns, rudders, and balance; Shoal draught; Speed; Size 2. Construction Wood; Metal; Ferro-cement; Glass-reinforced plastics; Corrosion, galvanic action, and electrolysis; Fouling and worm 3. Accomodation Sleeping-berths; Galley, cooking stoves, and refrigerators; Freshwater; Saloon and chart tables; Cockpit and steering arrangements; Lighting, heating, and ventilation; Sanitation 4. Rigs Gaff and bermudian; Sloop; Cutter; Yawl; Ketch; Schooner; Some other rigs; Choice of rig for voyaging 5. Rope and Rope Work Fibre rope; Tools and fittings; Whippings; Knots, bends, and hitches; Seizings; Worming, parcelling and serving; Splicing fibre rope; Wire rope; Making eyes in wire rope; Joining wire to fibre rope; Terminals for wire rope; Belaying ropes; Blocks, tackles, and winches 6. Mast Wood and metal masts; Mast steps; Standing rigging for bermudian masts; The staying of two-masted rigs; Standing rigging for gaff masts; Mast bands, tangs, and chainplates; Size of standing rigging; Setting up the rigging; Setting up the runners; Lightning protection 7. Working Sails Sailcloth; Sailmaking; Lacings, tracks, and slides; The care and repair of sails; Preventing chafe 8. Spars and Running Rigging Boom and gooseneck; Gaff and jaws; Main and mizzen running rigging; Crutches and gallows; Reefing; Headsail running rigging; Bowsprit; Headsail furling/reefing gear; The lead of the gear 9. Ground Tackle Types of anchor; Cables; Windlasses and riding gear; Anchor work; Buoying the anchor; Moorings 10. Engine and Battery The engine and its needs; The propeller; Outboard engine and sweep; The battery 11. Some Notable Yachts Alano; Beyond; Kochab; Lone Gull II; Rena; Trekka; Tryste II; Wanderer III Part II. Seamanship 12. Manoeuvring Getting under way; Reaching; Running; Sailing close-hauled; Turning to windward; Running aground and getting off; Bringing up; Mooring; Manoeuvring under power 13. Light-Weather Sails Headsails and mizzen staysails; Topsails; Running sails 14. Avoiding Collision Navigation lights; Steering and sailing rules; Anchor lights; Procedure in fog 15. Weather Instruments; Weather systems; Weather lore; Forecasts 16. Aids to Navigation Charts; Chart instruments; Compass; Lead and echo-sounder; Patent log and speed indicator; Radio receiver; Radio direction finder; Sextant; Binoculars; Lights, buoys, and beacons; Nautical almanacs and sailing directions 17. Tides Finding the times of high and low water; Finding the depth of water; Tidal streams 18. Pilotage Setting the course; Allowing for leeway and tidal stream; Position lines; Finding the distance off; A coastal passage; Making a harbour and berthing; Pilotage among coral 19. Management in Heavy Weather Waves; Steering in heavy weather; Procedure in gale conditions; Storm sails; Bilge pumps 20. Self-Steering Steering line and twin sails; Wind-vane gear; Automatic pilot Part III. Voyaging 21. Planning and Practice Wind systems of the world; Seasonal winds; Tropical revolving storms; Currents; Pilot charts; Time and route planning; Provisioning; Self-dependence; Vigilance; Welfare; At anchor; Single-handed cruising 22. Navigation Course and distance; The sextant; Taking sights; Star recognition; Time; Astronomical navigation; Working sights; The calculator; Making a landfall 23. In Port Port officials; Mail and money; Hospitality; Pest control; Pets; Yacht clubs Part IV. Miscellanea 24. Safety Guardrails and harness; Lifebuoys; Man overboard; Fire; A medical note; Abandoning ship 25. The Dinghy Types of dinghy; Towing and stowing; Handling; The sailing dinghy 26. Flags and Signals Ensigns and burgees; Positions for flags; Dressing ship; Visual signalling; Distress signals 27. Maintenance Glossary of Nautical Terms Used in This Book IndexHiscock, Eric C. is the author of 'Cruising Under Sail' with ISBN 9780071559638 and ISBN 0071559639.

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