Foreword by Michael Kinsley. Preface. Preliminary 1: Left-Right: Thinking About Contemporary Political Dialogue. Preliminary 2: Outside-Inside: Writing About Public Issues. Round 1: Women at the Front. In the Crossfire: Wilma Vaught (Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force, Retired) and Phyllis Schlafly (Conservative activist and founder of the Eagle Forum), Anna Quindlen. ''Women in Combat'''' David Hackworth. ''War and the Second Sex'''' Kate Muir. ''In the Combat Zone'''' Round 2: Bad Rap. In the Crossfire: Jack Thompson (Attorney, Anti-Porn Activist), Bruce Rogow (Attorney for 2 Live Crew), and Jello Biafra (Rock musician). Donna A. Demac. ''The Guardian of Decency: An Overview'''' Dave Berkman. ''If I Don''t Like It, You Can''t See It'''' George F. Will. ''America''s Slide into the Sewer'''' Henry Louis Gateo, Jr.. ''2 Live Crew, Decoded'''' Round 3: Date or Rape? In the Crossfire: Denise Snyder (D.C. Rape Crisis Center) and Danny Davis (Criminal Defense Lawyer) Charles W. Dean and Mary deBruyn-Kops. ''Rape: An Historical Overview'''' American Enterprise. ''What''s OK on a Date'''' Kathy Dobie. ''Between Seduction and Rape'''' Michelle Collison. '''A Sure-Fire Winner Is to Tell Her You Love Her; Women Fall for It All the Time'': Men Talk Frankly with Counselor to Assess Harassment and Acquaintance Rape'''' Sally K. Ward, Kathy Chapman, Ellen Cohn, Susan White, and Kirk Williams. ''Acquaintance Rape and the College Social Scene: Policy Implications'''' Murray Rothbard. ''Date Rape'''' Round 4: The Final Prescription: Suicide. In the Crossfire: Derek Humphrey (National Hemlock Society) and Eric Chevlen (International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force) Charles 0. Jackson. ''Death in Twentieth-Century America'''' New Republic editorial. ''Feeling No Pain'''' Anthony B. Robinson. ''Death with Dignity in Washington State'''' Richard Selzer. ''A Question of Mercy'''' Timothy E. Quill. ''My Patients'' Suicide'''' New England Journal of Medicine, 7 March 1991. Reprinted in Harper''s Magazine, May 1991 282.1692: pp. 32-34 Round 5: Condom Sense? In the Crossfire: Gary Bauer (Family Research Council) and Debra Haffner (Sex Information/Education Council) Harvey V. Fineberg. ''The Social Dimensions of AIDS'''' Barbara Kantrowitz and Others. ''Teenagers and AIDS'''' Robert Noble. ''There Is No Safe Sex'''' Dianne Kerr. ''Condom Vending Machines in Canada''s Secondary Schools'''' ?Round 4: Prime Time Dead. In the Crossfire: Randall Dale Adams (Former Death Row Inmate); Michael Kroll (Death Penalty Information Center); Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels); Phyllis Gallos (Citizens for Law and Order) William J. Bowers. ''Capital Punishment in Perspective'''' Andrew Radolf. ''Executions and Journalists'''' Charles Colson. ''Prime-time Executions'''' Robert Johnson. '''This Man Has Expired'': Witness to an Execution'''' Round 6: Prime Time Dead. In the Crossfire: Randall Dale Adams (Former Death Row Inmate); Michael Kroll (Death Penalty Information Center); Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels); Phyllis Gallos (Citizens for Law and Order) William J. Bowers. ''Capital Punishment in Perspective'''' Andrew Radolf. ''Executions and Journalists'''' Charles Colson. ''Prime-time Executions'''' Robert Johnson. '''This Man Has Expired'': Witness to an Execution'''' Round 7: Coming to America? In the Crossfire: Lionel Rosenblatt (Refugees International) and Pat Buchanan (Conservative activist) Elizabeth Hull. ''Without Justice for All: An Historical Overview of American Immigration Policy to 1965'''' National Review Editorial. ''The Haitian Problem'''' Lawrence Auster. ''The Forbidden Topic'''' Anna Husarska. ''Backers'''' Stephen Budisnsky. ''1620 to 1992: Long Ago but Not So Far Away'''' Round 8: On the Chopping Block: The Atlanta Braves Chop. In the Crossfire: William Means (American Indian Movement) and Neal Boortz (WGST Radio, Atlanta) Jerry Mander. ''What You Don''t Know about Indians'''' (from In the Absence of the Sacred. 1. Sierra Club Books. (c) 1991 by Jerry Mander); rpt in Nov/Dec 1991, Utne Reader Lewis Grizzard. ''Insensitive Tomahawkers Risk a Pop in the Chops'''' Tim Giago. ''I Hope the Redskins Lose'''' Rick Reilly. ''Let''s Bust Those Chops'' Round 9: At Face Value: The Beauty Myth. In the Crossfire: Naomi Wolf (author of The Beauty Myth) and Rebecca Hagelin (Conservative Activist) Gayle Greene. ''The Empire Strikes Back'''' Mary G. Gotschall. ''Poisoned Apple'''' Margo Kaufman. ''The Perfect Woman'''' Marcelle Clements. ''The Mirror Cracked'''' Jean Seligman with Elizabeth Leonard, Patricia King, and Mary Hager, ''Let Them Eat Cake'''' Round 10: Blowing Smoke: Exporting Cigarettes. In the Crossfire: Owen Smith (Attorney, Philip Morris International) and Richard Durbin (Representative (D), Illinois, Task Force on Tobacco and Health) A. Lee Fritschler. ''Warning Labels on Cigarettes: An Historical Overview'''' Alexander Cockburn. ''Getting Opium to the Masses'''' Howard H. Bell. ''The Global Threat to Advertising Freedom'''' Robyn Griggs. ''To Russia, with Tar'''' Round 11: For Men Only: The Virginia Military Institute In the Crossfire: Emilie Miller (Virginia State Senator) and Jim Cottrell (VMI Alumni Association) Daniel Seligman. ''Brother Rat Talks Back'''' Mary S. Hartman. ''The Value of Women''s Colleges'''' John Leo. ''The Smart Case for Women''s Schools'''' Michele Collison. ''Black Male Schools?'''' David B. Tyack. ''Learning Together: An Overview'''' Round 12: The Color of Money: Race-Based Scholarships. In the Crossfire: Jannell Byrd (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) and Walter Williams (Economist) Martin Kramer. ''Money and Race Relations'''' Michael Kinsley. ''Dollars for Scholars'''' William Raspberry. ''Affirmative Action and Fairness'' Roger Williams. ''In Ivory Towers'''' Tamar Jacoby. ''Psyched Out'''' Round 13: Need More Vacation? In the Crossfire: John Zalusky (AFL-CIO) and Fred Smith (Competitive Enterprise Institute) John Robinson. ''Spare Time'''' David R Roediger and Philip S. Foner. ''Our Own Time: An Overview'''' Juliet Schor. ''Are We Really That Lazy?'''' Pete Hamill. ''Death of a Salaryman'''' Robert Samuelson. ''OverworTuman, Myron C. is the author of 'Crossfire:video Reader-text' with ISBN 9780205149032 and ISBN 0205149030.
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